Post by Owen Y on Jun 25, 2019 15:52:35 GMT 12
Founder of Stereophile, J. Gordon Holt, published this book in 1990. Stereophile maintain JGH's excerpted version online as a reference - few items nay be dated, but still worth swotting up on, I probably need to do so
Post by michaelw on Jun 25, 2019 17:47:19 GMT 12
a unified language to describe what we are hearing was one of the first things harry pearson did when starting the absolute sound.
his "how to read the absolute sound" should also be on reading lists.
Post by Owen Y on Jun 27, 2019 15:33:55 GMT 12
Steve Giuttenberg The Audiophiliac, attempts to demystify some of the most common, possibly over-used, audiophile terms....
Post by Owen Y on Sept 25, 2020 11:59:29 GMT 12
Confused by words such as - audiophile, accuracy, analytical, boxy, clean, dark, definition, depth, detail, dry, dynamics, fast, fat, forward, imaging, palpable, transparency.... ?